This was music I had sitting around for a very long time because I was always stuck on the chorus. Originally the chorus lyrics for “City Tonight” were meant for this song. But once the two songs were separated it all fell into place. It’s a very happy sounding song about being a terrible person, specifically in a relationship. Not appreciating fully what the other person is doing for you and being too stubborn to be honest with them. This song is a tough reality slap for me.
EZ REVIEW: Here we are again and it’s time for yet another (imaginary drum roll) thick hot music review from our EZ team. Luckily, we’re blessed with some FINE music created some FINE people who go by the FINE name Blind Season.
We’ve actually previously reviewed other tracks by Blind Season (see here or here) and much like those song, Unlucky Charm drop in heavy with a well-produced and catchy tone. So what’s there to say about this latest song? Firstly, I’d like to take a hot minute to address the vibes... Although Unlucky Charm has its upbeat musical moments, there’s a haunting sense of sadness which leaks through both the lyrics and the music itself. Similarly to our last review, I can only compare this artistically melancholy vibe to that of Radiohead. To further drive this beautiful sadness, we’re blessed with the gorgeously unique vocals of lead singer Shane Sigro. At times, Shane's vocals actually makes me hurt (and that’s a good thing). Like Jezus Christ!! It’s very rare that a singers tone can inspire such an emotional response but here I am and my soul is bleeding.
Whether you like this music or hate it, there’s one thing we can definitely agree on and that’s the production quality. This is something we really gotta acknowledge because Unlucky Charm is unbelievable well constructed. Now... If your a musician, you’ll know that the struggle of mixing a track can give you a brain bleed from stress. Luckily there were no aneurysms during the formation of Unlucky Charms (or at least I don’t think there were). Nevertheless, Unlucky Charm is an auditory orgasm for any snobby producers who are looking for clean cut sound production.
Finally, I recommend you take a moment to appreciate and experience this songs musically artistic approach. Hey! If you dig it, you can always take a swing at Blind Season’s earlier work such as The Dark Bedroom or One Final Goodbye

ABOUT THE BAND: Rock and Roll and turbulent relationships have gone hand in hand since the beginning of time. The origins of Blind Season are no different. Beginning with a rag tag group only forming through the means of owning instruments, and an evening involving the smashing of a mutual friend’s car. Blind Season had undergone 5 different incarnations until Shane Sigro the founding guitarist was faced with the ultimate decision between succumbing to normalcy or proving the previous members wrong. Choosing the latter, Sigro doubled down by taking vocal lessons and penning the new music that would breathe life into the new era of Blind Season.Blind Season’s upcoming album is an ode to loneliness and toxicity that feel as if they were ripped from Billy Corgan’s Diary and featured in a film by Tim Burton. With the current questionable climate of the world there’s no question that this album will find its proper home and become a sign of the times. TASTY LINKS: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER SOUNDCLOUD SPOTIFY